There are 3 reasons why American history is not the same as U.S history. Both U.S history[…]
The battles of Lexington and Concord impacted history in 3 distinct ways. What started as a skirmish[…]
There are 3 major consequences of the Boston Massacre. This event in 1770 would directly lead to[…]
The French and Indian War was caused by 3 main reasons. This war pushed the colonies directly[…]
Today there are 3 ways the Iroquois Confederacy influenced the early development of the U.S. For nearly[…]
The Iroquois Confederacy had a 3 branch government structure that was highly unique for their time. This[…]
There are 3 main founders of the powerful Iroquois nation. For nearly 500 years this nation would[…]
Today the Seneca tribe was known for 2 things throughout history. Not many historians have dedicated time[…]
Today the Mohawk tribe is remembered for 3 great things in history. Few people understand the power[…]
Today we know of 3 main causes of the Beaver Wars between the Iroquois Confederacy and the[…]