Pompey The Great: The 3 Things He is Known For Today

Born29th of September, 106 BC
Died28th of September, 48 BC
Famous Quote“More people worship the rising than the setting sun”
Known ForFamous 1st century BC roman general, fought against Julius Caesar, Student of sulla
Region of WorldRome, Italy, 1st century BC
Further ReadingSulla: 3 Reasons This Roman Dictator Is Remembered Today and Gaius Marius: 3 Reasons Why He Is Important To Roman History

Today Pompey the Great is known across the world as a great military commander. However Pompey was not just a great military commander. There are two other things that forever cemented his legacy.

There are 3 things that Pompey the Great is known for today. First, Pompey the Great remains one of the most successful Roman military commanders in history. Second, Pompey would be elected to 3 consulships and have 3 triumphs. Third, Pompey almost started the Roman Empire, not Julius Caesar.

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Without further ado, here are the 3 things Pompey the Great is known for today.

1.) Pompey the Great Remains One of the Most Successful Military Commanders In Roman History

One of the things that Pompey the Great is known for today is his military career which started at a young age.

In 84 BC while he was only 22 Pompey would voluntarily fund and lead a small army in favor of the Sullen side of Rome’s first civil war. Pompey must have distinguished himself on the battlefield as after Sulla became dictator he started to elevate Pompey to administer a portion of the state.

After the first Roman civil war had ended there were still bands of rebels scattered around the Italian peninsula. Sulla would order Pompey the Great to find and eliminate these rebels in the name of the state.

Pompey would prove to be ruthless and effective in leading his men. Across Italy Pompey the Great would win battle after battle. From this he would win a triumph, one of the youngest Romans in history and without holding political office.

This trend would continue and Pompey the great would go on to win battle after battle. From 84-61 BC Pompey would win several wars and numerous major battles. From this military career Pompey would be given the honorary name Magnus or Great.

Over the course of Roman history few generals have had the success that Pompey the Great has had. Most historians recognize the name Pompey the Great as a great military commander. This remains one of the main things that we know Pompey the Great for today.

2.) Pompey Would Be Elected To 3 Consulships And Have 3 Triumphs.

One of the things that Pompey the Great is known for today is his 3 elections to the consulship along with his 3 Triumphs.

The office of consul was the highest in the Roman Republic. A consul would serve as the director of the Senate and there were always two of them elected. These consuls held the most power in the Roman state outside of a dictator.

Obtaining the consulship was the envy of all Senators and would forever bestow honor upon the consuls family. Normally a Senator would work their entire life to hold the consulship once, if they were lucky.

Pompey however held the consulship 3 times. This was unprecedented. The reason for Pompey’s massively successful political career was due to his use of fear to manipulate the Senate into taking his side.

However, Pompey also had 3 triumphs in his honor as well. A triumph was the ultimate show of honor for a Roman general. Much like the consulship a triumph would forever bestow honor upon the general’s family.

A triumph was only awarded after a general had saved the Republic or successfully ended a war. Because Pompey was at the forefront of nearly every major military conflict of the late Roman Republic he ended up receiving 3 Triumphs to his name. This was only eclipsed with Julius Caesar receiving his 4th.

His 3 triumphs and consulships remain one of the primary things that Pompey the Great is know for today.

3.) Pompey Almost Started The Roman Empire Not Julius Caesar.

One of the main things that we remember Pompey the Great for today was that he almost seized power instead of Julius Caesar.

During the events of the late Roman Republic both Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar were great military generals. Together with fellow Roman general Crassus these three made up the first Triumvirate. A power alliance that would eventually upend the Roman Republic.

In 54 BC While Julius Caesar was fighting in Gaul and Crassus was in the east fighting the Parthians, Pompey would be in Rome attending to his pregnant wife Julia. Over the course of one year the first triumvirate would disintegrate. Both Pompey and Caesar would become enemies and start the second Roman Civil War.

This second Roman Civil War was a pitched tie between Caesar and Pompey for several months. It was not until the Battle of Pharsalus that Caesar gained a considerable advantage.

However, history could have gone either way. Both Caesar and Pompey were aiming at obtaining supreme power over the Roman Republic. Had Pompey won, then the Roman Empire would have looked completely different.

The fact that it was almost Pompey and not Julius Caesar that became the dictator of the Roman Republic is one of the main things that he is known for today.


There you have it; an entire article on the 3 things that Pompey the Great is known for today.

Pompey the Great would flee from Caesar to Egypt where he would be eliminated by a conspiracy plot. Julius Caesar upon seeing Pompey’s signet ring presented to him started crying and sought revenge for his fellow Roman. Even though both Caesar and Pompey were enemies there existed a bond of friendship to some degree.

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