The 3 Biggest Medieval Kingdoms In Europe

Here are the 3 biggest medieval kingdoms in Europe. Two of these might surprise you as they[…]

The 3 Places Where Medieval Gold Came From

Medieval Europe got its gold from 3 places. Those golden crowns, scepters, and coins all came from[…]

What Medieval Bartenders Were Called

What were medieval bartenders called around Europe? Well it depends on what location but here is everything[…]

Did The Vikings Have Inns?

Did the Vikings have any inns to house travelers on their way to a destination? Here is[…]

The Police Force Of The Medieval Age

What did the police force of medieval Europe look like? Here is everything you need to know[…]

3 Reasons Medieval Towns Were So Dangerous

Medieval towns and cities were some of the most dangerous places to live in the middle ages.[…]

Did Medieval Peasants Boil Water To Prevent Disease?

How did medieval peasants get clean drinking water? Did they boil it? Here is all the answers[…]

How Long Medieval Battles Would Be Fought

Medieval battles would only last for a couple hours. Media depictions of battles are often wrong. Here[…]

3 Tricks Knights Used To Prevent Their Armor From Rusting

Medieval knights would use 3 tricks to prevent their armor from rusting. This made sure the knight's[…]

How Medieval Knights Stay Warm While Wearing Their Armor

During the winter months medieval knights would do 3 things to stay warm while wearing their armor.[…]

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